Sunday, September 22, 2019

Management Info Systems Class Discussion wk7 Essay

Management Info Systems Class Discussion wk7 - Essay Example The service-oriented application implements the endpoints of a fine-grained web service. It is easier to talk about the various types of web applications based on their use. For example, social networking websites entails; Face book, Xanga. Internet search engines may involve Google, hot mail, and yahoo. Web services facilitate the access to internet resources. Primary services of the internet include e-mail, tenets, and mailing lists (Bidgoli, 2002). Web 2.0 is the constant development of internet expertise and interface. It is a model that center of attention is towards transforming the web into a catalog through social networks and other online resources. Internet2 provides grounds for testing networking setting where learning institutions such as universities and government laboratories team up and build up highly developed Internet technologies such as digital libraries, and essential laboratories (Aharony, 2009). The Internet2 community at present is comprised of more than four million individuals and with more than three hundred member organizations. While the technology is growing, so is the need for better and advanced quicker Internet connections. The manner in which content is presented via the web has also changed drastically over the years. Capabilities to bold and produce wording in diverse colors on a web page ten years ago was something to admire but today database-driven websites, animations, online gaming and streaming, e-commerce and are standards. The primary function of all web applications is to ease the achievement of one or more tasks (Adar, Zhang, Adamic & Lukose, 2004). The two most useful internet services are the e-mail and the mailing lists. They create the grounds for Sharing of information, Research methodology and rare sources and documents, and Findings advice. Emails are useful in that they are cost efficient, increases speed of information transferability

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